A downloadable game for Windows

You Play as a robot fighting off a mutating mass!


How To Play

Destroy the blobs, don't let them mutate too big or they will raise the radiation levels too high for robots to handle! Blob Cores destroy the cubes they created, so make sure to prioritize those!


After Thoughts

I spent way too long making this game but it was worth it. Some things could be better like the menus and music, and I didn't get to implement everything I wanted to but overall I'm pretty happy with it all. I hope to expand this game in the future with different types of blobs and so forth.


Outbreak.zip 5.3 MB


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Thank you for game )  Like it )

There is a bit of a bug where the sounds are WAY too loud so make sure you turn it down using the windows volume control! I did not have time to fix it in-game!